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Migration guide from 4.x to 5.x

Node.js version


React and Js Macros was split to separate packages

The current Lingui macro is tightly coupled with React, which poses problems for developers using Lingui with vanilla JavaScript or other frameworks such as Vue.

The macro package has been split into two separate entrypoints from existing packages:

  • @lingui/react/macro
  • @lingui/core/macro

Example Usage:

import { Trans } from "@lingui/react/macro";
import { msg } from "@lingui/core/macro";

const colors = [msg`Red`, msg`Yellow`, msg`Green`];

function MyComponent() {
<Trans>Hi, my name is {name}</Trans>;


This is not a breaking change.

Imports from @lingui/macro still work, but marked as deprecated. They would be removed in the next major release.

You can use an automatic codemod to convert your codebase to the new imports:

npx @lingui/codemods split-macro-imports <path>

After this codemod you can drop @lingui/macro from your dependencies.

Full Vue.js support

TBD (#1925)

Changes in whitespaces handling

Robust whitespace cleaning in JSX

Whitespace cleaning in JSX expression is unavoidable, otherwise formatting your JSX code, for example with Prettier, will cause changes in extracted message.

// prettier-ignore

// should be extracted as
// "Hello◦◦◦world"
// without new lines in start and end of tag

Previously Lingui used some regexp based approach to normalize whitespaces in the JSX nodes processed by macro. That approach was not perfect and didn't follow JSX language grammar, that sometimes lead to unexpected results.

With this version lingui use the same set of rules to clean whitespaces as it's done in JSX. This lead to more anticipated results without unwanted cleaning of whitespaces.

No whitespaces cleaning in t and other JS macros

We've got a feedback which we agreed on that whitespaces cleaning in the JS macros is redundant and counterintuitive.

t`Label:◦` + value;

Note the space after ":", it's expected by developer to be there, but "normalization" will remove it.

Other example would be a markdown, or just a whatever purpose developer want to have an original formatting.

Starting from v5 cleaning whitespaces for JS macros is completely removed.


This is a breaking change. Some messages in catalogs might be extracted with different whitespaces and therefore with different ids.

There is no way to automatically convert your catalogs to pick-up existing translation.

If you use TMS (such as Crowdin or, migration should be pretty simple. Use Translation Memory feature (or analog).

if you don't use TMS you will need to migrate catalogs manually.

Standalone babel-plugin-lingui-macro

Starting with this version there two ways of using Lingui macro with Babel. With babel-macro-plugin and with babel-plugin-lingui-macro.

npm install --save-dev @lingui/babel-plugin-lingui-macro


If you have access to the babel configuration and don't use any other macro in your code, you can drop babel-macro-plugin and add babel-plugin-lingui-macro to your babel config.

You will benefit from a slightly faster transpiling time and more configuration options for the plugin which are not available for babel-macro-plugin version.

Introducing useLingui macro

The useLingui macro simplify working with non-jsx messages in react components.

Before this macro you have to combine t or msg macro with an instance returned from useLingui hook:

import { t, msg } from "@lingui/macro";
import { useLingui } from "@lingui/react";

function MyComponent() {
const { i18n, _ } = useLingui();

const a = t(i18n)`Text`;
// or
const b = _(msg`Text`);

With the new macro code above simplifies to:

import { useLingui } from "@lingui/react/macro";

function MyComponent() {
const { t } = useLingui();

const a = t`Text`;

Note that useLingui() is imported from @lingui/react/macro, because it's a macro and not a runtime function. This will be transpiled to the regular useLingui from @lingui/react under the hood by Lingui.

Dependency tree crawling extractor improvements

TBD (#1958)

If the message contains unnamed placeholders, such as {0} Lingui will print theirs values into PO comments, so translators and AI got more context what this placeholder is about.

t`Hello ${} ${value}`;

This will be extracted as


msgid "Hello {0} {value}"


#. placeholder {0}:
msgid "Hello {0} {value}"


  • Removed the deprecated isTranslated property (React Trans component)